"Trolley Master Stainless Steel Series" - The first shopping cart releaser for all shopping carts - The original in stainless steel
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✅ The best of its kind: Don't have a plastic chip or change handy again? Our Trolley Master from the "Stainless Steel Series" is the king of removable shopping chips and is the first to reliably remove ALL shopping carts. Neither front-loading nor push systems are a match for it. After unlocking the shopping cart, you can simply remove your entire bunch of keys.
✅ One for all time: Rust-proof stainless steel, rounded edges and the tried and tested design concept make the Master of the Steel series the ultimate boss of all shopping carts. No more cheap and environmentally damaging plastic shopping cart chips that keep disappearing. The discreet keyring is your new indestructible and reliable companion. See for yourself.
✅ The original: The deeply engraved logo testifies to its origin - the key chain manufacturer FABACH; and it shows: This is the original. Because despite the stainless steel being difficult to work with, it has been possible to reproduce the different material thicknesses that set the "Trolley Master" apart from the competition within the steel master. This is the only way to ensure both the flawless front loader function and the side drawer function. This shopping trolley releaser lives up to its name.
FABACH – your expert for removable shopping cart keys
Everyone knows this situation... you go to the supermarket to do some shopping and you find yourself standing in front of the shopping cart, looking for help because you can't get the cart out. Either the 1 euro coin is missing, or the plastic chip is broken or lost again. But this problem is now solved!

Shopping cart releasers from FABACH give you a new shopping experience
With the market-leading key rings from our "Trolley" range, no shopping trolley is safe from you. The tags with your key ring can be removed immediately after unlocking and do not remain in the deposit lock. Replace the shopping chip once and for all and convince yourself of the quality and functionality of our innovative shopping trolley keys.

Durable and environmentally friendly problem solvers for everyday life
You always carry FABACH shopping cart releasers made of sturdy metal or carbon on your key chain. Due to the high-quality materials and the additional surface treatment against corrosion, our keys are virtually indestructible, unlike shopping cart releasers and shopping cart chips from other suppliers.

Stylish and functional design concept
At FABACH, form follows function. With the straight-lined design "Made in Germany", the brand combines maximum functionality with a stylish look. The different keys in the "Trolley" series have been optimized for their respective purposes. The design of our front loader release - often copied but never achieved - prevents snagging in the shopping cart and achieves almost 100 percent compatibility with German front loader systems.